Farm for Healthy Aging is a farm situated in Fanling. It seeks to provide a one-of-a-kind experience to different visitors to the farm by planning different forms of activities modeled on the target age demographic. For instance, for a group of elderly visitors in 2015, hand-printed reusable bags made with ink from the pigments of different vegetables were created by the volunteers themselves.
Various amounts of produce, such as radishes, carrots, tomatoes, and maize, are cultivated and harvested there and tended by volunteers yearly. Consequently, we contacted a major farm volunteer and successfully arranged a visit to their farm in the future.
The crops planted are mostly decided by volunteers, mainly elderly people, including this year's potato harvest. Harvested crops are sold mostly to generate capital for farm machinery and general fees, such as water and fertilizers, but the volunteers do not take away any monetary gains; instead, they get to take away the crops they tended and harvested, as well as the satisfaction of watching the crops they tended to at the farm.
More posts will be uploaded when arranges small groups to visit the farm due to the current pandemic, and experiences by volunteers will be docked there as well.