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Feb 26, 2022
The Festivities : How Does it Affect the Environment?
Everyone loves the holidays, perhaps the warm sentimental feelings when we are with loved ones, the satisfying feeling of having a few...
Nov 6, 2021
E-waste: Why is it such a Big Issue?
As the amount of technological advancements increase in our society, so does the waste that such advancements entail. When you replace an...
Nov 6, 2021
The Olympics and its decreasing level of environmental sustainability
When most people think about the Olympics, its environmental impact isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind. After all, why...
Oct 31, 2021
The Environmental Benefits of Clothes Thrifting - A Guide to Thrifting in Hong Kong
With an average of 110,000 tonnes of disposed garments per year in Hong Kong, fashion trends and discounts on a rapid rise, and an even...
Feb 26, 2021
Yes, Climate Change is Real
Climate Change, an ongoing environmental issue that seems to have finally been addressed in recent decades. It would be a complete...
Feb 26, 2021
How do GMOs impact our environment? Evaluating the significance of genetic engineering in the world
Since 2013, massive protests[1] against the usage of genetically modified organisms (GMO) have emerged all over the world, sparking...
Feb 26, 2021
The Possibility of Recycling in Hong Kong
Waste problems have always pestered Hong Kong in many ways. In 2018, the Environment Protection Department announced their expenditures...
Feb 26, 2021
Fast Fashion
Expressed through clothing, shoewear and more, the trending aesthetics of fashion have rapidly taken a rise in popularity within our...
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